Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Photo taken from

Just a quick post today, I've got some Uni work that needs doing so I can't sit on my blog for hours *cries*. I saw this on google earlier and it made me giggle, not because it was hilarious, but because of how true it is! Depending on where I might be going that day or how long I am spending in Uni, or even who I may or may not see throughout the day will decide on what outfit I wear aha!  If I put together an amazing outfit on a day that isn't really anything special, I will save it for the next day that it is worth wearing for! Sounds quite vain doesn't it?  OH WELL!

Who else does this? I'm hoping I'm not the only one!
victoria x | twitter | instagram | tumblr | bloglovin


  1. I can so relate to this, I do exactly the same! Just found your blog, it's lovely! :)

    Paige xx

    1. Oh good, at least its not just me then!

      victoria x

  2. I do this too! Usually means I never wear my nicer or newer things because I want to save them and not just wear them to lectures. I live in the jeans and a hoodie!
    Love your blog by the way. :)
    Emma xx

    1. I'm exactly the same! The same clothes get worn week in week out and all the nice ones sit in the wardrobe and collect dust!
      Thankyou! :')

      victoria x


Thanks for all of your comments, I do read them all. Check back to see my replies!

Victoria x